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Encouragement through
Singing - Teaching - Speaking

Becky Loar is a passionate and committed music professional, with the talent and drive to succeed. She has performed as a part of many Opera Theater productions in a variety of roles. 


Becky has extensive performance experience with the New York Philharmonic, the American Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of Society of St. Lukes, and the Little Orchestra Society of New York and others, including televised performances and guest appearances. She continues to share her talents in competitions and performances, as well as helping young musicians develop their talents. 

Becky Loar's picture

Be Encouraged With...


Breathe life into your music program.


Be inspired with words of encouragement.

Never Gonna Stop Singing (by Vaughn, Jackson, and Smith)
Be born in me (written by Nichole Nordeman)
Freedom (Goltsman/ Crawford)
"Great is Thy Faithfulness" from How can I keep from singing
"Were you there?" from How Can I keep singing
Freedom (E. Goltsman/K. Crawford)
The Great I Am
Be Born in Me (music and lyrics by Nichole Nordeman)

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